Fighting A Virus!
While in quarantine, we learned and experienced lots of things that might stick in the future.
Fighting a virus, being in quarantine, staying home, no work, no schools, no meetings, is making people look back and see this, as a time when things changed in their lives.
When they’re forced to change their daily routines and the rhythm of their lives, they start to look at things differently, such shock can have lasting effects on people’s values, and this is exactly what assumes that the world will face many changes.
During all this, We have understood that health and hygiene are the most important mainstays of human life, so not considering it as important as it is, societies would fall and everything would stop.
Most people might not have known that actually soap destroys certain kinds of viruses and bacteria so, they will come back to their daily life with more prudence and caution, as a result of Covid-19, some people will become fastidious germophobes, striving to avoid touching “contaminated” surfaces or shaking hands. they will make sure to get sanitized constantly.

Moreover, If this scary time has taught us anything, it’s that doctors and researchers will be the ones who get us out of this mess. they struggle every day for our sake, working day and night to drive the recovery of the world.
Our caregivers are not just tired or stressed, they are experiencing “moral injury.”
So, Once the virus outbreak ends, the medical framework for sure will get the salary, the attention, and the respect they deserve.
We must answer their long-held concerns, and involve them in charting new policies and ways of keeping them healthy enough to tend the sick.
We should not forget to mention that this period made us aware of how much communication with family and friends is important.
People indeed used to pass the day working or studying then they go back home to sleep, so they do not share a talk.
Luckily, in quarantine we had the full time to talk, to understand each other, to know each other better and to make bonds together, we found out how much it is crucial so that definitely in the future we will assign time to communicate, we will make sure to cherish the human bond and contact.
Also, We’ve been immersed in powerful experiments in technological connectedness such as telemedicine, staying home for a video call keeps you out of the transit system, out of the waiting room, and, most importantly, away from patients who need critical care. adding to that working from home while being sick for example.
We’re living through the first global pandemic in the digital age, where the internet has made it possible to withdraw from the outside world. School lessons and work meetings have moved online, groceries are delivered.
These things will probably “stick” to some degree, and make life better in lots of ways.
We’ve also noted the importance of preparation that we knew a pandemic would come around at some point, but we were still somehow largely unprepared, we might be smarter in the future about how we interact politically, healthily, and socially.
The future implications of coronavirus are still uncertain. But based on what we know from previous outbreaks, we can predict that this pandemic will have profound psychological effects on the people living through it.
This pandemic is far away from a war, it doesn’t have to take long, it could be as short as a few weeks or a month, but this cannot be possible if we don’t stick together and support each other in these times.